Te Ki’i Tamahau — in Wallisian language.

Wallisian, also known as Uvean (in Wallisian: Fakaʻuvea or Fakaʻuvea mo Futuna), is a Polynesian language spoken in the Wallis and Futuna Islands. Wallisian is primarily spoken on Wallis Island (Uvea) and the nearby island of Futuna. While it is the most widely spoken language in Wallis and Futuna, French is also widely used, especially in formal and administrative contexts.

Wallisian is known for its phonological and grammatical features typical of Polynesian languages. It has a relatively small phonemic inventory and a straightforward syllable structure. Like other Polynesian languages, it is characterised by the use of vowel-heavy words and a lack of consonant clusters.

The Wallisian (and also Futunan) language is an important part of the cultural identity of the people of Wallis and Futuna. It is used in traditional ceremonies, storytelling, songs, and other cultural expressions. It plays a vital role in preserving and transmitting the cultural heritage of the islands.