An Pennsevik Byhan — in Cornish.
Cornish (Kernewek / Kernowek) is a Celtic language spoken in Cornwall, now part of England, UK. It is a revived language, having become extinct as a living community language in Cornwall at the end of the 18th century. However, knowledge of Cornish, including speaking ability to a certain extent, continued to be passed on within families, and a revival began in the early 20th century. Cornish is currently recognised under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
Along with Welsh and Breton, Cornish is descended from the Common Brittonic language spoken throughout much of Great Britain before the English language came to dominate. It was the main language of Cornwall for centuries until it was pushed westwards by English, maintaining close links with its sister language Breton, with which it was mutually intelligible, perhaps even as long as Cornish continued to be spoken as a vernacular. Cornish continued to function as a common community language in parts of Cornwall until the mid 18th century.