Le Piti Prinhyo — in Fribourgeois.

Fribourgeois refers to the dialects of Franco-Provençal (also known as Arpitan) and French spoken in the Canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. Arpitan is a Gallo-Romance language family, which was historically spoken across parts of what are now France, Italy, and Switzerland. Over time, due to the influence of standard French and socio-political changes, the use of local Arpitan dialects, including Fribourgeois, has declined. However, these dialects remain an important part of regional identity and cultural heritage.

Fribourgeois shares linguistic characteristics with other Arpitan dialects, including unique phonetic, grammatical, and lexical traits that distinguish it from standard French and neighboring dialects. Its phonology, for example, may include vowel sounds and consonant combinations not found in standard French.

The version of Fribourgeois spoken today is significantly influenced by standard French, given that French is the dominant language of government, education, and media in Switzerland. As a result, many speakers of Fribourgeois are bilingual, and the dialect may incorporate French vocabulary and syntax.

There can be variation within Fribourgeois itself, reflecting the diverse linguistic landscape of the Canton of Fribourg. Rural and urban areas, for example, might exhibit different linguistic features.